HealthNews of the Week
Click on each headline to read the full story.
Why Making Healthful Foods Cheaper Isn’t Enough
“Bucks for broccoli or cash for carrots? Financial incentives aimed at encouraging healthier choices are catching on from New Zealand to the Philippines.”
Stressed Men Fancy Someone Different
“Romantics may tell us that opposites attract, but, according to scientists, if you find yourself irresistibly drawn to someone who looks nothing like you, it may mean that you’ve been working too hard.”
Fosamax: Is Long Term Use of Bone Strengthening Drug Linked to Fractures?
“Sandy Potter, 59 of Queens, New York, was jumping rope with neighborhood children when she felt her thigh bone snap.”
After Cancer, Removing a Healthy Breast
“But today, a growing number of women with breast cancer are pushing surgeons in a startling new direction. Not only do they want the cancerous breast removed, but they also want the healthy breast cut off.”