HealthNews of the Month
Click on each headline to read the full story.
The Claim: Lack of Sleep Increases Weight
“Looking to lose a little weight? Portion size and exercise are crucial. But don’t forget about a good night’s rest.”
Little-Known Disorder Can Take a Toll on Learning
“Parents and teachers often tell children to pay attention — to be a “good listener.” But what if your child’s brain doesn’t know how to listen?”
Quick colon cancer test could save thousands
“LONDON – A five-minute colon cancer test could reduce the number of deaths from the disease by about 40 percent, a new study says.”
Broccoli Chemical Stems Breast Cancer Cells
“New findings suggest that sulforaphane – a compound abundant in broccoli, broccoli sprouts, and other cruciferous veggies – might help prevent or treat breast cancer by blocking the creation of cancer stem cells..